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Iron Camp Online Workout Program

  • 365 Days
  • 89 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


🎉Welcome to the Iron Camp's "Strength and Wellness online Program"🎉 💡You have the flexibility to navigate this program as you wish, and you can repeat any workout as many times as you like I just ask that you record everything.📙 📊Our program offers a variety of workouts to follow for three days per week. However, if you're experienced, you can increase the frequency, but make sure you allow enough time for recovery and nutrition.💤 🔅You can adjust your program as needed. For example, if you're away from the gym, you can choose a workout that's suitable for limited equipment or home-based exercises. Or, if your upper body is too sore, you can opt for lower body workouts instead.⚠️ ✅These workouts are straightforward but effective. They're designed to push your limits and help you improve. We believe in challenging ourselves to improve continually.💯 🦾Our program is aimed at making you stronger, improving your cardiovascular system, increasing your energy levels, enhancing your mood, and boosting your overall health.❤️ 🚨Make sure to do your Self-Assessment before starting to get a customized workout and meal plan geared towards your specific goals🔥 “EFFORT IS THE UNDENIABLE REASON YOU ARE OR ARE NOT GETTING RESULTS” 🤝Thank you for joining us, and we'll talk to you soon.😀 🔮Book a zoom chat with Santo every 15-20 days🕰️ 💡Make sure assessment is emailed prior💡 📅 Included with this program🎉

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Personalized Workout Plan, Free

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Iron Soldiers Program discussion

Iron Soldiers Program discussion

Private 13 Members


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